Saturday, July 20, 2013

MUSIC: The Numero Group

Looking for good music can be very difficult. Especially if you're a really choosy person who has already heard a various amount of music which just didn't really hit you. But if you dig into the former music collection from which our today's music is inspired of, I'm pretty sure you'll find something you will like. Always in search of new music you have never ever heard before is not as easy anymore as before, so why not just listen to what you are not looking for. Yes, I mean the music which nobody talks about anymore. The music development of the 20th century is what I'm talking about. This period is from where all our today's music comes from, so forget all the new genres which try to be unique and individual, these are just copies from already existing genres anyway. So if you're already becoming curious you've got to know the Chicago record label Numero Group. This Illinois record label mainly releases compilations of previously released albums which deserve to be recognized more. This is their mission:

"The mission was simple: to dig deep into the recesses of our record collections with the goal of finding the dustiest gems begging to be released from their exile on geek street. No longer would $500 singles sit in a temperature-controlled room dying for a chance to be played. No more would the artists, writers, and entrepreneurs who made these records happen go unknown and unappreciated."

These are just two of several songs of  Numero Group I could hear 24/7.

Have a lovely Saturday,

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